Poster zine—
Annotations of my notebook (Bataille, page 58-59-)
[297x420mm, 20 pages, published by antmag_jpeg, pictures by Lars Duchateau]
French structuralists are f’ing dense. Struggling with Eroticism by Bataille for six months, the book mutated into an atrocity of notes, marginalia, and post-its.
As a contribution to Louis Hilson’s (antmag_jpeg) publication, I thought peering into some of those notes might provide a decontextualized insight. The usage of memes as support in methodological research provides familiarity, as well as some humor to an otherwise dense text.
As a contribution to Louis Hilson’s (antmag_jpeg) publication, I thought peering into some of those notes might provide a decontextualized insight. The usage of memes as support in methodological research provides familiarity, as well as some humor to an otherwise dense text.